Thursday, August 06, 2009

Lingkaran Setan

berikut skema rutinitas kerja sodara;

klik gambar untuk lebih jelasnya

In The Name of Deadline

verse (+):
we learn the disciplines from it
we learn to respect the time from it
we keep others' trust with it
so do we die for it?

verse (-):
we're swore on it
we spill & pour our bloods on it
we sacrifice our time, our healthy, our life for it
so do we die 'cause it?


  • the point in time at which something must be completed
    source: WordNet (r) 2.0

  • due date, latest time for the completion of a negotiation, project, service, or product. the failure to meet a deadline has negative consequences, such as loss of business, lack of credibility, and penalty charges
hehehe...memang terdapat dualisme disini...ya maaf
klo ada salah² grammar, mohon dibenarken...kekeekeke